
Comité d’organisation :

BLANC Nathalie, Chair of the Conference, Research Director, LADYSS UMR CNRS 7533

COLMAN Felicity, Professor of Film and Media Arts at the Manchester School of Art, Manchester Metropolitan University

CROWLEY John, Chief of Research, Policy and Foresight Section, Division for Social Transformations and Intercultural Dialogue, Social and Human Sciences Sector, UNESCO

PADDEU Flaminia, Postdoctoral Researcher in Geography, LADYSS UMR CNRS 7533, Labex Dynamite

MERAMRIA Kenza, Assistant Secretary, LADYSS UMR CNRS 7533

MOELLIC Béatrice, General Secretary, LADYSS UMR CNRS 7533

SIRYANI Rima, Assistant Secretary, Policy and Foresight Section, Division for Social Transformations and Intercultural Dialogue, Social and Human Sciences Sector, UNESCO

VAN DER TUIN Iris, Chair of the COST Action IS1307 “New Materialism: Networking European Scholarship on ‘How Matter Comes to Matter’”, Associate Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Utrecht University – Institute for Cultural Inquiry


Comité scientifique :

BARRETT Estelle, Professor and HDR Coordinator at the Institute of Koorie Education, Deakin University

BLANC Nathalie, Chair of the Conference, Research Director, LADYSS UMR CNRS 7533

CIELEMECKA Olga, Postdoctoral Researcher at Unit of Gender Studies, Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping University

COLMAN Felicity, Professor of Film and Media Arts at the Manchester School of Art, Manchester Metropolitan University

DOLPHIJN Rick, Assistant Professor,Department of Media and Culture Studies - Media and Performance Studies, Utrecht University

HONGISTO Ilona, Lecturer in Media Studies, Macquarie University

KONTTURI Kaisa, McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellow in the Victorian College of the Arts at the University of Melbourne

LAMARCHE Thomas, Assistant Professor in Economy, University Paris-Diderot, LADYSS UMR CNRS 7533

MANOLA Thea, Maitre-Assistante in SHS at ENSAG

NEYRAT Frédéric, Assistant Professor in the Department of Compared at University of Wisconsin-Madison

PADDEU Flaminia, Postdoctoral Researcher in Geography, LADYSS UMR CNRS 7533, Labex Dynamite

REVELLES Beatriz, Postdoctoral researcher at Universidad de Barcelona

ROGOWSKA Monika, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw

TIAINEN Milla, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Musicology at the University of Helsinki

VAN DER TUIN Iris, Chair of the COST Action IS1307 “New Materialism: Networking European Scholarship on ‘How Matter Comes to Matter’”, Associate Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Utrecht University – Institute for Cultural Inquiry

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